The Esztergom Castle Museum of the Hungarian National Museum rests on the spiritual foundation of the Hungarian Kingdom’s and the Hungarian state’s cradle. The significance of the Castle Hill was amplified by the fact that the first king of Hungary, St. Stephen was born and reigned there. The Museum presents one of the most noteworthy medieval castles of Hungary, which underwent reconstructions and transformations over the centuries. The remained rooms of the Castle still reflect – through its remaining art and architecture relics – the wealth of the medieval and renaissance kings and archbishops.

The Royal Chapel, which is the first art relic of the Hungarian early Gothic period, is significant in art history. Its architectural and picturesque ornaments are unique in Hungary. The so-called “St. Stephen’s Room” has also a similar importance, where – according to the legends – St. Stephen was born. This is the most intact room of the Castle, which is unique in art history as well with its plenteous carvings.

In the Ottoman-Turkish times Esztergom was an important fortress. It was occupied by the otto- man-turks, and was damaged badly in the next 150 years’ of battles. The Christian armies only released Esztergom in 1683.

The walls and the buildings of the Castle covered with earth sank into oblivion owing to the devastation of time. The archaeologists started the excavation only in 1934. This work continues up to the present.